martes, 23 de agosto de 2011

August 22-26

Tuesday 23
Today's blog will introduce someone to explain what the teacher of the class and lab rules. espectatias my class is to get ahead, learn English and live with my fellow

autonomous learning for me would be good so we would learn to resolve our doubts, but also good teacher would help us a bit. the book is good, lots of information, how bad is that you have to buy each semester.

Learning strategies are behaviors or thoughts that facilitate learning. These strategies range from the simple study skills, such as underlining the main idea.

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

Semester-August-December 2011 English level V I.I

fill a sheet with all the data we username in the lab and talk about the holidays.
were in the computer center, they added new blog mailing list and a new teacher.
this day was added to the list of blog links and pages of books added to the quizzes, dictionary, YouTube pages and stereo.


this day put on a diagnostic test
This day was the new record.